Medico-legal Conference

IMA Maharashtra Medico-legal Committee & IMA Bhandara Branch in Joint Collaboration , Organizing Medico-legal Conference.

Chief Guest

  1. Dr. Ravindra Kute.( President IMA MS)

Guest Of Honour

  1. Dr.Dinesh Thakre (President Elect IMA MS)

Place : IMA Hall Bhandara

SUNDAY :8th October 23

Time : 8 AM-5 PM

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Place : IMA Hall Bhandara

SUNDAY :8th October 23

Time : 8 AM-5 PM

Register Now

IMA Maharashtra Medico-legal Committee & IMA Bhandara Branch in Joint Collaboration , Organizing Medico-legal Conference.

Chief Guest

  1. Dr. Ravindra Kute.( President IMA MS)

Guest Of Honour

  1. Dr.Dinesh Thakre (President Elect IMA MS)

Medico-legal Conference :-
